Information For Artists

Painting Competition Categories 

Note: Any media can be used in each competition category and all registered artists must agree to the Rules and Guidelines.

  • Plein Air
    Stamp-in Saturday, September 16 to Monday September 18; Submission Wednesday, September 20

    If you are new to the Escalante Canyons region, this list will help you plan your painting outings.
    See Stamp-in for stamp-in location and detailed times. 

  • Studio Work
    Submission Wednesday, September 20

    New for 2023,  artists are invited to register to submit a studio work to the painting competition. 
    Studio works are judged independent of the Plein Air pieces.

  • Juniors Studio Work
    Submission Wednesday, September 20 

    New for 2023,  Juniors are invited to register to submit a studio work to the competition.
    Juniors register based upon their school grade (Kindergarten – Grade 3, Grades 4 – 6, Grades 7 – 9, and Grades 10- 12).
    Registration  $5, $540 in awards, including a Junior Best of Show of $100.
  • Nocturne
    Submission Wednesday, September 20

    Artists are invited to register to submit a nocturne which can be Plein Air or Studio work and does not need to be stamped. 
    Registration  $25, $600 in awards.

  • Miniature Fundraiser
    Submission Wednesday, September 20

    New for 2023, artists are invited to register to submit a miniature piece (image no larger then 5″ x 7″, framed and ready to hang).
    Miniature pieces can be Plein Air or Studio works and do not need to be stamped.
    Any and all proceeds from the sale of miniature pieces will be donated by the artist and the festival to Escalante Care & Share Food Bank.
    Registration  $10, $600 in awards.

  • Quick Draw
    Saturday September, 23 1 pm – 4 pm. Stamp-in at entrance to Plein Air Exhibit Tent 12:30 -1:00 PM

    Artists will have 3 hours to complete a painting – images may be used for inspiration. The painting occurs within the periphery of the town park and festival attendees select the “Quick Draw People’s Choice” winner. Artwork may be sold off the easel.  
    Registration  $25, $250 People’s Choice award.

  • Paint-Out “Paint the Town”

    Thursday September 21, 11 am to Friday, September 22 1:00 pm

    Artists will have 24 hours to complete a painting within the approximate city limits of:
    West – Welcome to Escalante Sign on Highway 12
    East – Heritage Center on Highway 12
    North – Escalante River
    South – Center Street to 1400 South

    Stamp In at the exhibition tent from 11 am to 1 pm on Thursday, Sept 21st.
    Judging outside the exhibition tent at 1 pm on Friday, Sept. 22nd. Bring your easel.
    Registration  $25, $900 in awards including a Mayor’s Choice award of $300 and a first place award of $300 plus half page ad in PleinAir magazine, valued at $2400.


Artist Sign-in and Plein Air Stamp-in

Escalante Community Center – 89 N 100 West (Corner of 100 North and 100 West)

All registered artists must stop by the Stamp-in location to verify their registration, acknowledge that they have read the Rules and Guidelines, and collect their name tags and any other orientation materials. 

Plein Air artists can stamp as many surfaces as you want; see the rules and guidelines for specifics.

Day Date Times
Saturday September 16 9 am – noon and 1 pm – 5 pm
Sunday September 17 9 am – noon and 1 pm – 5 pm
Monday September 18 9 am – noon

Painting Submission 

Wednesday, September 20, 10 AM to 4 PM – Exhibit Tent – Escalante Town Park

Submit one entry per category.  At submission, the entire back of Plein Air category artwork must be visible so that the stamp can be verified.  All entries must be framed or presented for display.  Framed artwork must have a wire attached for hanging.  Artwork can be framed after submission if need be.  

Artists’ Reception*

Thursday, September 21,  6 PM – 8 PM – Escalante Town Park Pavilion

*open to registered artists, festival committee members, sponsors and volunteers – tickets available at Artist Sign-in / Stamp-in.

Artists, festival committee members and festival sponsors mix and mingle at this gathering to celebrate the painting competition submissions. This reception is made possible by the generous support of local businesses and community members who donate food for all to enjoy.


Competition Awards

The judges evaluate each competition category entry for composition, originality, presentation, skill, and technique.
The Exhibit Area is closed to the public (including artists) during judging.

Award Amount
People’s Choice $250
Artists’ Choice $250
Sheila Woolley Faulkner Award
“Best Captures Escalante Historical Context”
Nocturne 1st Place $300
Nocturne 2nd Place $200
Nocturne 3rd Place $100
Plein Air 1st Place $1500 Purchase Award
Plein Air 2nd Place $500
Plein Air 3rd Place $250
Junior Best of Show $100
Junior (K-3) 1st, 2nd, 3rd $50, $35, $25     
Junior (4-6) 1st, 2nd, 3rd $50, $35, $25
Junior (7-9) 1st, 2nd, 3rd $50, $35, $25
Junior (10-12) 1st, 2nd, 3rd $50, $35, $25
Studio Work 1st Place $1500 Purchase Award
Studio Work 2nd Place $500
Studio Work 3rd Place $250
Miniature 1st Place $300
Miniature 2nd Place $200
Miniature 3rd Place $100
Quick Draw People’s Choice $250
Paint Out 1st Place $300 & half-page PleinAir Magazine Ad, valued at $2,400.
Paint Out 2nd Place $200
Paint Out 3rd Place $100
Paint Out Mayor’s Choice $300


Exhibit Sale and Overflow Sales Tent

Friday, September 22, 10 AM – 6 PM and  and Saturday, September 23, 10 AM – 5 PM

Artists can sell any paintings in the Overflow Sales Tent, displaying 3 at a time.

Artwork need not be framed.   Sales are processed by the festival staff.  Artists are responsible for securing their artwork at the close of each day.

Festival Finale Breakfast

Sunday, September 24 – 9 AM – 11 AM – Location: Escalante Outfitters 310 W Main St, Escalante

Join us for a no-host breakfast to close out the festival.  Artists may sell plein air or studio works.  


Registration refunds will be provided up to 30 days before workshops or the competition starts. 


Escalante Canyons Art Festival reserves the right to competition registration to future events to any individuals who do not follow the Rules and Guidelines or conduct themselves in other unethical or fraudulent behavior.

Registration is taken as agreement to follow the CDC Covid-19 guidelines that are in place when festival is hosted.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.